
Archive for October, 2007|Monthly archive page

This looks amazing, of course.

In Uncategorized on October 15, 2007 at 1:40 am


In youtube on October 12, 2007 at 2:06 am

This movie is old, and you might not get it if you weren’t in my immediate social circle circa 2002, but I find it especially relevant in today’s political climate. Presenting my esteemed brother and BFF Jon in EITO.


In Uncategorized on October 11, 2007 at 10:59 pm

Dear Boys-I’ve-Kissed:

Thanks for being polite, even when I did have too much to drink. It makes you better than a disturbingly increasing amount of the XY-holding populace.

Warmest Regards,


[P.S. No, Seriously.]


In harvard on October 5, 2007 at 5:41 am

Be amazed by my new place of employment. Me? I’m just pleased that I get health insurance and $40 classes.

Accidents & Emergencies

In muzak on October 5, 2007 at 5:37 am

 I just had the delight of seeing the invincible Mr. Patrick Wolf at the Paradise. Not only does he have an impeccable sense of style (vests, cut-off shorts, and massive cross necklaces? Yes, please!!) and the capacity to bring back body glitter for the masses, but I have not seen such a well-done performance in a Very Long Time. In the past few years I’ve personally felt a sort of steady decline when it comes to live performances, seeing many an artist turn out tired, cookie-cutter performances, so Patsy was refreshing both in his performance quality and his sincerity. He knows how to be a performer, clearly, but he is also not just a crowd-pleaser, evidenced in his playing a healthy number of choruses from Lycanthropy (rather than just The New Stuff, which is still awesome, but, you know). Additionally, my DC sources inform me that he didn’t even perform hit single Magic Position, although he opened his encore with it for this particular show and it was truly a delight to see and hear. Basically, Wolf seems to be a performer who has still maintained his integrity, and this is really wonderful and nice. I am also so pleased with his Peter Pan-esque persona; it’s just perfect. The Paradise was a great venue as well, and was surprisingly not crowded, so even latecomers had a good view. And, until he ACTUALLY comes out and says it, I will refuse to believe that he is gay [despite all other indicators] just in the hopes that we are, perhaps, Eternally Youthful Soulmates.



P Wolf



Image via my pal Nestor, who took these photos for